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A halo of clouds surrounded her

As she stood in the middle

Little by little the sunlight

Crept along the innards of the halo

Casting an ethereal glow upon her

Basking her with warmth and radiance

Blessing the spectators with a divine moment.

For she makes the sky, the stars

The brook by which the dandelions dance

With the sway of the wind, the soil

Holding everything together,

And the nature itself

A euphoric embodiment of the cosmos.

She always gives a bit of herself

To brighten up someone's path

To paint their grey skies azure

To water their drought prone land

To pluck out their weeds

But she rarely takes.

She, a singular speck of gem

Shining at the darkest crevices

Provides a safe haven for those in need.

As the halo slowly dissolves into emptiness,

Her good deeds ever so slowly faded away

From the minds of everyone

Yet she never falters from her true purpose

Like the north star.

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